Lawyers in Torre del Mar


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Donde estamos:

644 877 004

Calle Rioja 69

Edif salares 2 local 2

Torre del Mar


Lawyers in Torre del Mar - Specialist in property law


Lawyers in Torre del Mar. Are you interested in buying a Spanish property? Are you selling a Spanish property? 


You have come to the right place, CS lawyers in Torre del Mar. We offer our clients a stress free property transfer service. Our team, english speaking lawyers in Torre del Mar who are specialized in real estate, urban development, commercial and tax Law, work hard to protect our client´s investments in Spain.


Our experienced team can provide you with local legal advice and in a language you will understand. We are here to help you through the Spanish conveyancing process from start to finish. 


Our real estate lawyers in Torre del Mar will handle the property transaction checking whether the property meets every legal requirement, we will revise the contract to make sure there are no abusive clauses and we will guide you throughout the whole process.


Our Firm will take every step to guarantee that your property is properly registered before a notary and in the Land Registry.



Lawyers in Torre del Mar.

Specialist in property law


CS Lawyers in Torre del Mar would like to offer you and your family peace of mind, so that you can get on with enjoying your life in Spain.


Please feel free to contact us with whatever legal questions you may have, if you are buying or selling a property, need a contract to be written or reviewed, need more information on the New Ruling on the Mortgage Floor Rate, or would like us to help you reclaim money that you lost, when you bought an off-plan property – according to the new legislation.

Lawyers in Torre del Mar
Lawyers in Torre del Mar
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