Construction Builders in Periana and Comares
Construction and Builders in Periana and Comares
Active Construction Builders in Periana and Comares has built a reputation with clients across Europe for whom a villa or finca in southern Spain is a second home or investment property and for whom it is important that they be kept up-to-date with the progress of a project.
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+34 676 163 200
Active Construction Builders in Periana and Comares covers the whole of the Axarquia region from Marbella to Motril and as far inland as Granada.
As with all our clients we maintain stage by stage records of our progress, milestones reached and, most importantly, how the money is being spent. Through this commitment to offering the most professional service,
Active Construction and Builder has built a reputation with clients across Europe for whom a villa or finca in southern Spain is a second home or investment property and for whom it is important that they be kept up-to-date with the progress of a project.
If you are interested in any type of construction, be it a new property, extension or reformation (inside or out), driveway, patio or swimming pool, please take a few minutes to browser through our website. I know you will be surprised about the scope ans scale of the projects we have undertaken and completed.
Los Romanes - Malaga - Spain